Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML New User? Get Started Here

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18h 1m

This Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML training teaches you how to effectively use object-oriented technologies and software modeling as applied to a software development process. Expert Oracle University instructors present one practical, complete, object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) road map from requirements gathering to system design.

Learn How To:

  • Use object-oriented technologies.
  • Use Unified Modeling Language 2.2.
  • Perform object-oriented analysis and design.
  • Follow a software development process using an OO software project.
  • Create a system design (the Solution model) supporting the functional requirements (FRs).

Course Structure

This course is structured to follow a generic form of software development process that focuses on the analysis and design aspects as applicable to an OO software project. This generic process can be easily adapted to specific processes, which are discussed later in the course. Expert Oracle University instructors will present a pragmatic approach to object-oriented (OO) software development following proven OO technologies, principles and patterns as applicable to OO languages like the Java(TM) programming language.

People Who Will Benefit from this Course

System architects, software engineers, systems analysts and designers responsible for the conception and creation of object-oriented software applications will find the most value in taking this course. Architects responsible for the conception and creation of object-oriented software applications can also benefit from this educational investment



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  • Learning Paths contain recommended content and may include certification.
  • Courses deliver structured learning through lectures, demonstrations, and skill checks.
  • Modules provide learning at a micro-level covering a specific topic, feature, or process.

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